Good news Jumbo-Visma: Primoz Roglic two weeks before the start of Vuelta back on the bike | Vuelta

The Slovenian dismounted almost three weeks ago during the Tour de France. He hopes to be at the start of the Tour of Spain in two weeks in Utrecht.

Roglic had fallen during the fifth stage during the Tour, in which he shared the leadership at Jumbo-Visa with Jonas Vingegaard. In doing so, a shoulder dislocated, which the Slovenian put back himself. The 32-year-old climber rode on for days despite his injuries and incurred delay in the standings, but decided to leave the Tour before the fifteenth stage. Roglic went back home to let his injuries heal.

Vingegaard lost an important helper the same day with the fallen Steven Kruijswijk, but nevertheless managed to drive to Paris in the yellow jersey. The Dane gave Jumbo-Visma the first Tour victory.

On August 19, the Vuelta starts in Utrecht with a team time trial. Roglic is the intended leader of Jumbo-Visma. The Slovenian has won the Spanish stage race in the past three years.

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