Good news for the Belgian treasury: 5G auctions ultimately yield 1.42 billion euros | Inland

Earlier it was announced that the auction yielded at least 1.2 billion euros. But we still had to wait for a final auction of the 1,400MHz radio frequency band.

That auction brought in another 216.5 million euros, the regulator announced on Wednesday. That is well above the minimum entry price of 46.5 million euros and brings the total amount for the radio spectrum auction to more than 1.4 billion euros.

From BIPT data it turns out that Proximus spent the most money during the 5G auctions, just under 600 million euros. Next comes Orange with almost 400 million. Telenet is in third place with more than 300 million euros. Finally, Cegeka subsidiary Citymesh, which is joining forces with the Romanian telecom company DIGI and has spent more than 100 million euros. The bulk of the spectrum is divided for a period of twenty years.

It is still unclear how much money will flow to which governments. There was political disagreement about the proceeds of the auction. The federal government and the regional governments have not yet reached an agreement, but decided to place the proceeds in a blocked account.
