Good news came from Jessica Kähärä!

Kähära also jumps in long qualifying.

Jessica Kähärä fought for the medal with “Finnish spirit”. Kimmo brandt / aop

EC medalist Jessica Kähärä also participates in the long jump in the under-23 competitions in Espoo.

The matter was confirmed from within the Finnish team. The jumper’s name is also on the long qualification start list.

Kähärä’s long race was at stake, because he said that he struggled with a sore ankle in Friday’s triple jump race.

Kähärä’s ankle turned during the warm-up for the final.

– The ankle was pretty sore all day. I just tried to convince myself that I can jump, he said on Friday.

The Finn’s emotions were on the surface when he claimed bronze in the competition.

– It was printed with Finnish content. Physsari treated the ankle a bit, and I took a painkiller. However, no tapes were put on, Kähärä opened with tears at the time.

Kähärä is in the B qualifying group of the long jump, which jumps at 12:40. He has the 12th best result of the athletes participating in the competition this season.
