good mood foods – iO Donna

fhelicity: there are those who look for it in comfort foodswhile knowing what they will be consequences on the line. Especially in case of massive doses. Fortunately, however, there are different solutions that can satisfy the palate and good humor, moreover without constraints on quantities. On the occasion of World Happiness Day which occurs on March 20, we asked the Doctor Paolo Bianchininutritional and nutraceutical consultant, and author of the homonymous method.

The tricks to be slim and happy

How to be happy eating without risking gaining weight? The explanation comes from the intelligent combination of foods that can emphasize or cancel the caloric effect of what we eat. “The trick to be happy even at the table derives from the principles of food biochemistryon which they are based food combinations and interactions that we hire», explains the expert.

The biochemistry of food

«It is not a rule that is the same for everyone because each food acts differently for each our. Food generates in our body a hormonal response which is the key to reading every nutritional process. It’s not a matter of metabolism, but of chemical reactions that happen. The concepts I am referring to are of biochemistry and not dietetics», points out Doctor Bianchini.

Ikigai: 7 exercises of happiness

Serotonin: the feel-good hormone

Serotonin is thehormone which plays a key role in the mood regulation. The substances useful for its synthesis are the tryptophanthe B vitamins (B12, B6 and B9, i.e. folic acid), the vitamin Dto some minerals, such as zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium and chromiumand to polyunsaturated fatty acids. “Our humor depends on a complex network of biochemical signals, such as for example hormones and neurotransmitterswhich despite being produced by the body, find their own precursors in some foods» continues the expert.

Looking for tryptophan

«The essential amino acid for the synthesis of serotonin is tryptophan but it has the “defect” of not being produced by our body, and is therefore fundamental introduce it through food. The lack of this amino acid can have negative effects not only smoodbut also on memory, on cognitive abilities and on the quality of sleep» warns Doctor Bianchini.

The three foods of happiness

“There are three foods little known they contain tryptophan and induce the production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of well-being. The first is the egg yolkfollowed by the dried fruit and from fish. The important thing is not hinder the process biochemist which can result by the association of foods rich in sugar, dyes And artificial preservatives. If we take the example of egg yolks, they are above all an excellent nutrient that can be eaten without feeling guilty about the quantity and without the fear that they will raise the cholesterol level as has always been argued until some time ago», specifies the expert.

Eggs: how to cook them

“Egg yolk is better cook it together with the egg white, without flavor it with the salt but with herbs and spices which we prefer. An appreciated pairing is for example with chives and pepper, or mixed with onions stewed with butter, better if clarified. Still speaking of eggs, we can satisfy one more palate Sweet in the variant with the addition of fructose which keeps the blood sugar level under control e a pinch of cinnamon. If a food is functional on a biochemical level, that is, it induces a correct hormonal response assuming it, it means that it can be taken in large quantities» concludes Doctor Bianchini.

