Good idea? Kom op tegen Kanker broke for drinking minimum alcohol after 18 years | Inland

Kom op tegen Kanker wants the leeftijdsgrens voor all alcoholic drinks verhoogd wordt after 18 years. Alcohol consumption is linked in two different ways, it sounds like a personal report this week. Bovendien is Belgium and one of the EU countries that young people only have 16 years of alcohol to drink.

Alcohol consumption, even if it is light, reduces the risk of two types of kanker, waaronder gut- en borstkanker, onderstreept Kom op tegen Kanker. Uit onderzoek blijkt the ongeveer 3,200 Belgen in 2020 kanker kregen as a volume of alcohol. It is the largest risk factor in the life of the levenstijl.


There is a message coming from the Belgians that urgently needs to be addressed on the agenda. The organization has recently published the ‘Interfederal Alcohol Plan 2023 – 2025’ on Voldoende and is said to be the “plan for the first time on the road, over-the-top alcohol consumption focused on the army suggests that it is also used”.

It is the biggest risk factor in the life cycle. © Getty Images

“Wetenschappijk gezien is geen veilige othergrens for het drinking of alcohol. It has a large impact impact on the short and long term. For young people there is still information about the negativity caused by him,” Aldus Kom op tegen Kanker.

Leeftijd optrekken and better controls

In the current plan, young people still have beer and wine for 16 years, but the organization is now running on the wind for 18 years. The process can also be carried out with better control and handling, so it sounds. Using the Alcohol Prevention Barometer of Sciensano blijkt alvast dat 77.5 percent of the French population voorstander is van a leeftijdsverhoging.

Moet de leeftijdsgrens for all alcoholic drinks have been dried after 18 years?


Kom op tegen Kanker benadrukt verder dat de leeftijdsgrens voor all alcoholische dranken voor duidelijkheid zorgt en niet lang der Indruk werkt dat bepaalde vormen, zoals beer en wine, lesser shambles zijn dan others.

10 feiten en fabels about alcohol: Helpt het om een ​​’bodempje te leggen en raak je gewend aan grote hoeveelheden? (+)

There is no longer any reason to stop with the words: “This is a less serious problem, but there is a significant risk” (+)

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