Gonzalez scores and Lecce wins the derby with Virtus Francavilla

Friendly match won by the Giallorossi with a goal that arrived in the second half

Lecce this evening beat Virtus Francavilla at the Nuovarredo Arena in Francavilla Fontana with a score of 1-0. In the fourth round of the season, the Giallorossi after Postal, Rovereto and Bochum, won the Apulian derby with Gonzalez’s goal in the second half. Lecce struggled to find the rhythm and tonight we saw few interesting ideas from Mr. Baroni’s team. Lecce’s offensive department limited by the good defensive phase of Virtus who granted few spaces. The goal, however, came in the second half after 16 minutes and the game was livened up in the final with a post hit by the Giallorossi. The result, however, has not changed. A convincing test for Mr. Baroni’s men as Virtus plays in the Serie C championship. The Giallorossi did not take part in the match: Nizet, Lemmens, Mommo, Blin, Di Mariano, Cultraro, Samooja having done a training in the morning. Before the kick-off of the friendly match, president Saverio Sticchi Damiani received from the hands of Virtus president Antonio Magrì a commemorative plaque for the extraordinary successes achieved at the helm of Lecce. The sporting director Stefano Trinchera received a commemorative plaque from the vice president of Virtus Tonino Donatiello in recognition of his great professional growth. Lecce on the field next Friday at the Tardini against Parma.


Scorers: 16 ‘st Gonzalez

Virtus Francavilla: Avella, Idda (41’st Delvino), Miceli (20’st Solcia), Caporale, Carella (41’st Vaugh), Tchetchuoua, Risolo (1’st Mastropietro), Pierno, Murilo (20’st Di Marco), Patierno (1’st Ekuban), Maiorino (1’st Perez). Available: Milli, Ejesi, Lo Duca, Dieng, Negro

Lecce: Falcone, Askildsen (1’st Gonzalez), Colombo (1’st Ceesay), Tuia (36’st Ciucci), Helgason (36’st Berisha), Baschirotto (17’st Gendrey), Listkowski (17’st Rodriguez), Frabotta (17’st Gallo), Strefezza (17’st Persson), Hjulmand (36’st Björkengren), Dermaku (22’st Calabresi). Available: Bleve, Brancolini, Majer. Coach: M. Baroni

Referee: Vergaro Giorgio section from Bari

Assistants: Marco Colaianni sect. of Bari – Catania Pio Carlo section Foggia
