GOMOS and NTV can start working on new buildings

Norg’s two largest sports clubs can continue with plans for new accommodations. The Noordenveld municipal council tonight agreed to subsidies for the Norger Tennis Association (NTV) and football club GOMOS.

The former club can expect 540,000 euros, for a club building weighing a total of nine thousand euros. The football club receives 1.8 million euros and must contribute 1.2 million euros itself. Both associations think they can solve this through subsidies and self-reliance.

Councilor Astrid Westra-Wagena (CDA) wondered out loud again this evening whether both associations can bear those large burdens. “We want both associations to have a good home base, but the proposed plan is based on estimates. We are therefore voting against.”

This made the CDA the only party that voted against both proposals.

The council proposal for the Norger Tennis Association was adjusted by the municipal council. The proposal stated that the club building would also be used by Survival Norg, but that club seems to have opted for another accommodation in the village.
