Gollini at fantasy football: role, price and profile at the Gazzetta fantasy championship

In favor of the new number one of the Viola his reliability and the desire to get up after a year in the shade. But beware of the fragility of the Italian defense

The knot in the door for Fiorentina has been solved: the new number one of the Tuscan team is Pierluigi Gollini, who arrived from Atalanta with the formula of the loan with the right of redemption.


One of the “nightmares” of the last fantasy football season is over: Fiorentina will no longer have a dualism between the posts, like the one seen between Terracciano and Dragowski. The new number 1 is Gollini, no doubt about the ownership of him. In the “Gazzetta” list of the next Fantasy Championship it is listed at 27 credits.


For Gollini this is a return in the purple jersey, a jersey worn for 2 seasons in the youth teams, from 2010 to 2012. Born in 1995, he boasts 117 appearances in Serie A with 143 goals conceded and 31 matches without conceding goals (26% of clean sheets, ed) defending, with great success, the poles of Verona and Atalanta in recent years. Fair loot as a penalty shooter: he defused 5 of 29.


In recent seasons at Atalanta he has held a high performance, with votes as a “modifier goalkeeper”. If Italiano registers Fiorentina’s defense, Gollini can become a high-end choice.


Among the top ten Serie A teams of the recently concluded tournament, only Lazio and Verona had a worse defense than Fiorentina, who collected 51 goals. The defensive fragility of the Viola and the double commitment (championship and Conference) to be faced are factors that can affect the choice of entrusting him the door to fantasy football next season.
