Golden Film Award for actor Egbert-Jan Weeber from Groningen

Egbert-Jan Weeber, born and raised in Groningen, has received a Golden Film Award for his role in the film ‘The pirates next door: the ninjas from the other side’.

The film The pirates next door: the ninjas from the other side has been awarded the Golden Film Award, because it has been seen by more than a hundred thousand cinemagoers.

The film is directed by Pim van Hoeve. Sander de Regt signed for the screenplay. In addition to Egbert-Jan Weeber, the cast consists of Samuel Beau Reurekas, Kyana Pacis, Matti Stooker, Celeste Holsheimer, Tygo Gernandt, Jung Sun den Hollander, Sarah Janneh, David Lucieer, Nyncke Beekhuyzen, Peter van Heeringen, Bert Hana and Sytske van der Ster .

The pirates next door: the ninjas from the other side can be seen in 130 cinemas.
