Gold madness: Germany trembles to victory in the team relay – Olympia

Black, toboggan, gold: the German tobogganists cannot be defeated at these Olympic Games. The team around Natalie Geisenberger, Johannes Ludwig as well as Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt also won the team relay on Thursday (February 10th, 2022) at the end of the luge competitions in the Yanqing ice channel. For everyone it is the second Olympic victory in Beijing. Four years ago, exactly this quartet had won gold in the team relay in Pyeongchang.

A blink of an eye faster

Unlike 2018, this time it was a very close decision. The German team was just 0.08 seconds ahead of Austria.

The next gold after the three victories in the individual competitions seemed only a matter of form. However, it quickly became clear that Austria had been doing incredibly well. Geisenberger couldn’t break the time, Ludwig’s display was still in the “red” area – the doubles Wendl/Arlt started a tenth of a second behind and got the coals out of the fire. The team from Latvia went bronze. “The Tobis rocked the team relay”said national coach Norbert Loch im ZDF with tears in the eyes.


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