Göksel Arsoy: My dear soloist, my prayers are with you

The final version of the Turkish classical music artist Gönül Akkor upset his fans.

The final version of Gönül Akkor, one of the important Turkish classical music artists of a period, upset her fans.

It was revealed that the legendary headliner, who made his last album work in 1994 and has been away from the art community for 28 years, has been dealing with health problems for a long time.

Master actor Göksel Arsoy also expressed that he was very upset when he saw the final version of Akkor:

“We worked together at the biggest casinos. I wouldn’t leave the casino without listening to a song in his repertoire every night. No one has ever sung this song as appealing to the soul as he did: ‘You say wait where the evening is, you don’t come. Because you know I love you very much.’ My dear friend, my soloist, all my prayers are with you. Get well soon.”
