Going to jail for fear of bankruptcy! Boss stabbed employees

By Karin Hendrich

He wanted to stab his employees in order to have peace from his debts and lies in prison … The crazy confession of snack bar operator Akin S. (31) in the trial for attempted murder before the district court.

March 13 shortly after 12 noon in the “Staaken-Center” in Berlin-Spandau: The “Hühnerwald” boss asks Björn P. (29) to get car tires from the basement with him. A trap! Because as soon as we got down, Akin S. pulls out a knife and yells: “Why did you steal my money?” According to the indictment, it was about 20 to 50 euros from the cash register.

Then the snack bar owner stabs: three times in the stomach, once in the defensive arm. hits an arterial vessel. The blood splatters. Seriously injured, Björn P. can flee.

“The accusation is true,” said Akin S. in court on Wednesday. “I lured him into the basement and seriously injured him.” And then he tells what drove him to do it. He has been self-employed since 2019, most recently had three shops and worked 14 hours a day. “But I could never really handle money.” On the outside, he played the successful businessman. €1,000 sneakers, a €500 bag for the woman, expensive food, luxury vacations…

Akin S.: “I wanted to keep up with my friends.” He was too cowardly to tell the family the truth. “I wanted to look like a good boy to my parents.” He took out loans in his wife’s name, secretly peddled family gold from the safe deposit box, tried to plug one financial hole with the next: “It was getting tighter and tighter. I couldn’t sleep anymore.” The debt had recently increased to 130,000 euros.

Nevertheless, he promised the urgent bread supplier that he would have his money by March 13th. He couldn’t hold it. Somehow he came up with the idea of ​​attacking with a knife in order to have peace of mind. The accused: “I googled what kind of punishment you get. A shitty idea. I’m shocked by the act myself and would like to apologize for it, if that’s even possible.”

Björn P. was in danger of death. The father of four children (2, 5, 7, 11) was in the hospital for two and a half weeks and received 17 transfusions because of the high blood loss. Had long nightmares and pain. The movement of the left arm is still restricted today. He: “I just couldn’t explain this attack.”

Continued: Friday
