Going to camp with your grandparents? In Ostend it is possible

Going to camp with your grandparents? In Ostend it is possible

“The grandmothers and grandfathers can thus strengthen the bond with their grandchild and the parents are therefore at ease for a while”, it sounds. The camp for the grandparents and grandchildren is organized at Vayamundo in Ostend.

Stronger band

The whole week they stay by the sea to play games together. This can range from go-cart racing to catching shrimp with a net and building sand castles.

The grandparents also stay the night with the grandchildren. “It’s an ideal formula,” says a grandfather. Ayden and Marieke show that the camp clearly strengthens the bond between the two. “I’m helping grandma with her crutches because she’s had surgery for a new knee.”

“It’s a special holiday, definitely worth repeating,” says grandma Greet.
