Gogi Mavromichalis wants to teach her daughter two things: “The Queen also wipes her own bum”

Presenter Gogi Mavromichalis talked about his family life on the red carpet of the Kultainen Venla gala.

Gogi with Mavromichalis was a great television year in 2023. He hosted, among other things, Linna’s celebrations and the Nenäpäivä broadcast.

Last year was also special in my personal life. Mavromichalis’ first child was born in August.

Fatherhood has been wonderful, says Mavromichalis on the red carpet of the Kultainen Venla gala on Friday.

– Just half an hour ago I was wearing an undershirt with him under my arm and heating milk, the presenter reveals in an interview with Iltalehti.

– It’s wonderful to see how the baby develops every week. Making him laugh is the best feedback anyone can give, the new father enthuses.

Gogi Mavromichalis represented at Friday’s Kultainen Venla gala. Matti Matikainen

With fatherhood, Mavromichalis has learned that, for example, one can no longer think of one’s own career as selfishly.

– I have to think that another person needs (me). It is also a matter of combining calendars so that the wife also gets to spend her free time. We try as best as possible to be equally with the baby and also have our own time.

The rest of the year was busy, but now everyday life is more relaxed at home and at work. As an entrepreneur, Mavromichalis has the freedom to choose what he does and how much.

– The mornings are wonderful these days. The meetings start later, so you can rest in bed and be with the baby during breakfast. It’s worth its weight in gold.

Mavromichalis wants to teach her daughter self-confidence and understanding that people are only people.

– It has helped me a lot. We are all fallible human beings. Even the queen wipes her own bum.
