Goedele Liekens punishes Dolf Jansen: ‘He loses credibility’

Goedele Liekens believes that Dolf Jansen should behave more according to what he is propagating. “His credibility suffers from it and I think that is very unfortunate,” she says.


Dolf Jansen is quite at odds with De Telegraaf and in particular with Wierd Duk. The journalist has called in Today Inside that the comedian would be a climate hypocrite, because he has a second home in Ireland to which he would regularly fly. Dolf acknowledges that he sometimes flies, but states that that is not so often.

Goedele critical

According to Goedele Liekens, it is more credible if Dolf no longer flies at all. “I think it is important that you actually demonstrate … The message they have is very important and we all have to do something, but you do damage that message by not acting according to it,” she responds in the talk show HLF8 .

If Dolf sets himself up as a climate fighter, she thinks he can’t afford to show up on an airplane. “Your credibility suffers from that and I think that’s a shame.”

“Behave like it!”

Dolf is indeed just a bit hypocritical, says Goedele. “I think you have to be very aware of that, that if you’re really an activist, you also have to bring your behavior into line with that a bit. If you want to convince someone, your attitude and behavior must be in accordance with what you see preaches.”

Presenter Leonie ter Braak agrees, but also thinks that we should keep an eye on the real problem. “I get your point. It is indeed hypocritical, isn’t it? Secure. But we do miss the real discussion.”

‘Left dicks’

Ronald Molendijk thinks that Dolf talks in front of the stage. “This is a bit of talking left, flying right”, the music expert of Shownieuws responds.

Dolf did not want to take a seat at HLF8’s talk show table. Ronald: “He was flying, I think.”

Wierd responds

Wierd has now taken note of Dolf’s complaint, but he continues to stand behind his statements. “It is well practice what you preach, Hey?”

He continues: “People like Dolf Jansen are really lecturing other people all the time 24/7. While these people we’ve approached have all their pockets filled, they can fly as much as they want, they do, and then they’re going to say to the crowd, ‘Yeah, but you can’t fly!’”
