Goed nieuws: de derde prik offers long-lasting warnings

Wereldwijd was het a vaststelling die tot grote teleurstelling suffering. The still uitstekende en erg potente coronavaccins van der Meer Pfizer en Moderna bleken niet te volstaan ​​om the pandemic de kop in te print. That is not the case for new virus variants of the immunity that are known to be known, but also that the immunity increases sooner than it does. A boosterprik most al within het jaar soelaas biden.

Steeds meer studies geven nu aan dat de immuniteit na die derde vaccinedose wellicht niet opnieuw zo snel zal afzwakken. Also the virology of Johan Neyts (KU Leuven) is great that we don’t have middellijk a new booster shot nodig zullen hebben. “We can’t tell you beforehand that it’s become dubious that the mRNA vaccines are now covid, such as the van Moderna and Pfizer, three doses are needed for long-term work. When the vaccine against hepatitis B of papillomavirus is that also het geval, then the vaccine against gel is considered to be very high. That’s wrong per vaccine type and per target.”

Blocking student

From the critical point of view of the protection of the virus against all of the antibodies in the cell, but of the presence of T-cells and B-cells: the producers of other anti-cells. After three doses are kept in the cells, the end of the train of anti-substances, the remaining producers in the long term, can be carried out on thousands of Sars-Cov-2 cases.

“Vergelijk het met a student: some students want a course also more keren Blocken voor de matterie long durig opgeslagen is,” says Neyts. For harde Zekerheden is het Weliswaar te vroeg, waarschwt hij. If there were any vaccination campaigns in the past, if there was more, we would know about the long-term care of the vaccines.

Tegen deze zomer zullen we een better beeld hebben, thinks Neyts. Al bestaat also de kans dat tegen dan a nieuwe covidvariant dominant word, which de spelregels enigszins herschrijft. There may be a four dose of vaccine then required. Tegelijk is de verwachting that we as semenleving goed wapend zullen blijven door de large vaccinatiegraad én de immunity the mensen opbouwen bij een infection.

For mensen with a twisted immune system, we have four prik aangeboden. Bij hen slaagt het lichaam he always less good in a stable processing op te bouwen. In Belgium there are 325,000 people.
