“God is the lord of history, everything happens for a reason”

Gabriel Le Senne Presedo (Palm1977), deputy of Vox, new President of the Balearic Parliament thanks to the agreement between the PP and the far-right partyand second authority of the autonomous communitydoes public faith of his Catholicism militant. “God is the lord of history and everything that happens, happens for a reason”stated on January 8, 2022 in conversation Lizandro Bonillaon the occasion of the publication of his book ‘God set us free. Apology of Christianity and liberalism‘.

This was expressed when the Peruvian interviewer, through his channel of Youtube, asked his opinion on Pope Francis. “I am convinced that with his way of being he is also helping a lot of people, precisely because he attracts a lot of attention from non-Catholic citizens”argument. “But it is a different Pope profile”.

Minutes before, he had expressed his deep admiration for Joseph Ratzinger, the Pope Benedict XVI, and explained the influence he had on him. “He is the person who turned me”, he confessed. “His book ‘God and the World’, in which he expounds his religious and philosophical thought in conversation with Peter Seewald, led me to Christianity, a wonderful book for a young materialist who has not yet considered the big issues”he explained.

Gabriel Le Senne He commented that despite his Catholic upbringing, his time in the montesion school de Palma and his university years in ICADEalso in the hands of jesuitswhere the d was takenDouble degree in Law and Business Administration and Managementit had separated from the Church and He did not return “to the fold” of catalocism until his return to Palma, in 2013coinciding with his marriagehis first parenthood and his job at the law firm Costestí and Garau who, as he explained, are Catholics and recommended readings. He also cited as important in this return to Catholicism a stay in a monastery of Augustinian monks.

“There are no arguments against Catholicism,” says Le Senne

“There is no scientific or rational argument that is capable of refuting the truth of Catholicism”defended the president of the Parliament in the aforementioned conversation in the Youtube channel of Lizandro Bonillto. But Le Senne felt the need to unite in a book catholicism and liberalismthe work God set us free. And he synthesizes that political thought as the “struggle against State coercion, respect for human rights and individual rights”.

Le Senne himself exemplifies this with his position on abortion. “A true liberal cannot be in favor of abortion, because the right to life is compromised, just as a Catholic can never approve it either.”said the now president of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands.

The same thought marks his position on the equality marriage, approved in Spain in 2005, 18 years ago. “The left is an expert in changing the meaning of words,” he criticizes. “And he wanted to name as marriage unions that are not, I don’t care if they are homosexual or between parents and childrenbut don’t change the name of things,” he protests. “Catholic marriage is a different thing. The civil can be dissolved, ours is for life. I explain that to my son when we talk about these things,” he says.

In favor of the legalization of drugs

Le Senne speaks of public health as “a totalitarianism”. And he explains it this way: “You have to get vaccinated, but not to prevent you from transmitting a virus, but to avoid getting sick and occupying a hospital bed, for this reason you cannot be obese or smoke in your own car or eat meat for ecological reasons”criticism.

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However, in the conversation with Lizandro Bonilla, he declared himself in favor of the drug legalization as a way to end the traffic, following the dutch model. Although he explains that ” “I would start with marijuana first”.

However, in Spain they will end up outlawing tobacco and alcohol and will force us to exercise so as not to occupy an ICU bed in public health”, comment. Bonilla also prods Le Senne for the legalization of prostitution. And the Mallorcan answers: “Not everything immoral has to be illegal”.
