GOB grows in Sittard-Geleen after party star departure | 1Limburg

The departure of party celebrity Pieter Meekels has done GOB in Sittard-Geleen no harm. The party grows from 22.3 to 28 percent of the vote, making it by far the largest.

The CDA remains second despite a loss of 20 to 17 percent.

GroenLinks, which left the coalition at the end of last year when a plan for windmills was fired at the last minute, is also growing. The party received nearly 13 percent of the vote, up from about 10 percent in 2018.

Newcomer Forum for Democracy gets just over three percent of the vote, which would translate into one seat. The Sittard-Geleen city council will have six such one-man factions.

Just under half of the voters in Sittard-Geleen cast their votes, compared to 55 percent in 2018.

Also read: Seat and coalition changes in turbulent Sittard-Geleen
