Goals, here is the first gameplay video of the most mysterious of the anti-FIFA

He performs in a first gameplay trailer (without really too much gameplay) Goals, one of the anti-FIFAs coming in the next few years.

The list of anti-FIFA is getting longer and longer, with several new competitors vying to “steal the seat” from the giant of EA Sports. We have already had the opportunity to study UFL relatively thoroughly, a sort of cross between the aforementioned and Konami’s eFootball, of which it will inherit the free-to-play formula. Goals has instead been much more mysterious so far, and the rest of the times are significantly longer than the 2023 announced for UFL. But today, finally, we have something to see …

Goals’ first gameplay video –

In the video released in the past few hours, Goals exhibits a very first “pre alpha” build, which anticipates how the game is still at the beginning of its development process. The clip is defined as a “gameplay trailer”, even if, in hindsight, there is very little real gameplay. You can see behind the scenes scenes, in practice, with the polygonal models and the routines of the players exposed as mom, that is, the developer, made them, before they are covered by the usual graphics of video games. Therefore, there is still very little to discover and study, to all intents and purposes.

The types of shooting –

However, there is good news especially for FIFA fans, as the video features some of the different shots that will be possible to take on Goals. This is because the types of shots in question are very similar to those seen on the EA Sports series: the presence of driven shots, finesse shots and power shots is promised, the second the classic round shot of the game, while the third was added this year to FIFA 23 and allows you to kick very hard to make life more difficult for goalkeepers. For now, this is what we know about the title: the hope is that the times are not that long or that, at least, we can know more about this “play-to-earn”.

06 October 2022 – 13:03
