Go romp and play outside! After 75 years, the oldest sports education is still very much needed

More than 600 CIOS students and employees jumped and danced up and down in the Kennemer Sportcenter on Monday morning during a warm-up. The Nova College CIOS Haarlem Hoofddorp exists 75 years and that is being celebrated this week. Starting with a new walking route to the place where it all started.

The first runners on the route – CIOS / Michel van Bergen

The CIOS75 route is 7.5 kilometers long and runs from the IJsbaanpad in Haarlem to the Duinlust estate in Overveen, where the first branch of the sports academy was opened. But the fanatical (runner) runner can start at any place on the route. The walking route is marked on the street with white chalk.

Sports and exercise crisis

The CIOS was founded in 1948 in Overveen, says director Hans Gootjes. “As the first sports and exercise training in the country. The goal at the time was to keep the Dutch population vital, because that was going in the wrong direction. And that is of course still very topical. We have a nitrogen crisis and a housing crisis, but I think we also have a sports and exercise crisis. We are getting a little heavier on average and a little less vital.”

Playing outside

Gootjes continues: “It is good that there is more attention for exercise in primary education. But many schools have difficulty finding trained supervisors. Incidentally, exercise already starts before primary school. Just play outside instead of staring at a small screen If you exercise from a young age and stay fit, you will still be vital when you get older. Enjoying each other: walking, cycling, playing outside and a bit of romping. Then you will still have the mindset to grow later in life. keep moving.”

“Because we invest too little in sports, healthcare costs will only increase”

director Hans Gootjes, CIOS Haarlem Hoofddorp

According to director Gootjes, the government should pay more attention to the importance of sports and exercise. “Because policymakers invest too little in it, healthcare costs will only increase. We already spend around 120 billion on healthcare, while less than one billion is spent on prevention. You can use sport as a means to keep health care costs from rising.”

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Hans Gootjes – NH / Rob Wtenweerde

The mayor of Haarlem Jos Wienen and the Bloemendaal alderman for sports Nico Heijink performed the official opening of the jubilee week on Monday. Hans Gootjes: “I talked to the mayor about the fact that it would be great if the city became much more exercise-friendly. And look out here, at that huge concrete car park. It should become much greener. the activity. That is a change that we must make together in society. Sport and exercise must become an integral part of the government’s overall policy.”

“Guus Hiddink, Kim Lammers and Claudia Zwiers will arrive on Wednesday. All former students and figureheads in their sport”

director Hans Gootjes, CIOS Haarlem Hoofddorp

The Nova College CIOS Haarlem Hoofddorp is celebrating its anniversary this whole week. Gootjes: “Coming Wednesday it’s VIP day here in Haarlem. Then, among others, the Haarlem aldermen Van Leeuwen and De Raadt will visit, but also five former students of the CIOS. You know them from top sport: football coach Guus Hiddink, karateka Kenneth Leeuwin, hockey player Kim Lammers, judoka Claudia Zwiers and footballer Daphne Koster. All figureheads in the sport and all former students of ours.”

Wednesday afternoon there are various activities for local residents. Gootjes: “Everyone from the neighborhood is more than welcome. Our employees and students have prepared all kinds of fun activities. Just drop by the Kennemer Sportcenter!”

The Vitality in the NeighborhoodThe week ends on Friday with, among other things, a lecture by brain professor Erik Scherder and a final chord by cabaret artist Peter Heerschop.
