Go gi-ga-green in the children’s book week

Children and nature: it is a topic that is regularly written about. For example, Norwegian research in 2004 showed that 5- to 7-year-olds who are allowed to play in the woods every school day, make significant progress in their motor development. According to Dutch research from 2007, a natural play environment provides also for more creative play behavior. Children with ADHD appear to be able to concentrate better after a walk through a green area. And according to various studies, it appears that children who spend a lot of time in nature at a young age, later be more inclined to make an effort to protect that nature.

So much for science about children and nature. Because it is at least as nice when children can read about nature and science themselves. The theme of the current Children’s Book Week, which started on October 5 and lasts until October 16, is particularly suitable for this: this year’s theme is ‘gi-ga-green!’

On this page, therefore, four tips for green books, fun for children of all ages…
