GO! CEO Koen Pelleriaux under fire after “breach of trust” | Inland

The statement that education needs “more ambitious teachers” and “people who want to achieve more in life” will probably continue to haunt Koen Pelleriaux. Despite its mea culpa, the two main councils of the GO! the successor of Raymonda Verdyck on the fingers. Both the Council of the GO!, the equivalent of the board of directors, and the Cora, in which the general managers of the 26 school groups sit, have informally expressed their anger.

In the latter group there is openly ‘a breach of trust’ with the central level, according to an email that De Standaard was able to view. In a conversation between the top of the board of the GO! and de Cora – without Pelleriaux – the chairman and vice-chairmen were informed about “the many examples and situations that concern us in terms of cooperation, communication and leadership style and connection between the central services under the direction of the managing director and the school groups” .

An extensive plan has now been drawn up to guide Pelleriaux and to improve communication within the GO! to adjust. That should, according to the mail, “regain trust and strengthen communication”. The trajectory, which is set out in an internal memorandum, consists of four strategic and fourteen operational objectives. External (communication) specialists are engaged for this.
