GNTM winner: Lena Gercke laughed at me

From the BZ editorial team

GNTM winner Simone (25) follows again. But this time a real sunshine gets his fat off!

“Simi” Kowalski won the 14th season of “Germany’s Next Top Model” in 2019 and then became the show’s problem child. She argued with Günther Klum (77) in court, terminated the contract with “ONEeins fab”, the model agency of Heidi’s (49) father.

Now Simone leaves no good hair on the then guest juror Lena Gercke (34). Heidi had invited the winner of the very first season to share her experiences with the young models. But Simone now claims in a live Instagram interview Influencer Lisa D’AmatoLena was mean to her backstage.

The decision: Heidi Klum chose Simone as the winner, Savana came second at GNTM 2019

The decision: Heidi Klum chose Simone as the winner of GNTM 2019 Photo: ve htf

Accordingly, Lena Gercke did not take into account a foot injury that Simone is said to have sustained through competitive sports. Simone was in pain after being sent down the catwalk at GNTM in high heels that were too big.

But when she turned to Lena with her suffering, the following happened, according to Kowalski: “She just laughed at me and said I should stuff toilet paper in my shoes. It was inhuman – they broke me mentally.”

more on the subject

It’s possible that it was a real model tip from Lena and that she didn’t recognize Simone’s desperation at the moment. When asked by BILD, Lena Gercke’s management did not want to comment on the allegations.

In any case, Simone Kowalski is certain that GNTM should be switched off, she says: “The girls are all too young.”

A lot has happened since Simi’s victory: In the last season, Heidi Klum focused on diversity, no participant was under 18 years old and even best-ager models walked the catwalks. However, the high heels remain…
