TOnatural antioxidant, present in the body in high quantities, glutathione plays a crucial role for the whole organism. Not only that, thanks to its continuous regeneration, at least up to the age of 40, it is considered the most powerful antioxidant naturally produced by the human body. For this reason it is also a fundamental ingredient to be sought more than at the table in highly specific supplements.
Glutathione, the anti-aging action comes “from within”
«From a chemical point of view it is a tripeptide made up of three amino acids: cysteine, glycine and glutamate and represents a sort of their reservoir. It is a powerful antioxidant, a small protein present in a ubiquitous form in our body but particularly concentrated above all in the liver, where it protects the hepatocytes from particularly toxic cells such as for example xenobiotics» explains Dr. Paola Tinti nutritionist at Clinic Boutique Milano.
Mainly known for its antioxidant function, it is in able to neutralize free radicals thanks to the hydrogen atom present in its formulation: «This activity is carried out constantly because it is continuously regenerated and recovered thanks to the enzyme glutathione reductase. For this it is considered the most powerful antioxidant present in the body, a truly inexhaustible source».
Not only anti-aging, the other functions of glutathione
When you’re healthy, the ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione is 9:1. A change in this ratio is an indication of oxidative stress, therefore the component is no longer able to perform its functions at its best.
«In addition to the antioxidant one, glutathione is a protector of cells and the immune system against infections. It deals with intracellular defense especially in the organs or tissues most sensitive to toxicity such as the brain, heart, lungs, skin, intestines and liver» explains the expert.
In other words, it performs some important functions: «First of all facilitates the elimination of all toxic chemicals present in the body and also of drugs. It is also a powerful detoxifier for the liver, kidneys, lungs and intestinal epithelium. It has a protective action against radiation damage to the retina, cornea, macula and has an important role in the detoxification of the gallbladder. In the end, it has the ability to regenerate other compounds with an antioxidant function such as vitamins C and E and strengthens the immune system».
When glutathione is in short supply, supplements are taken
Despite its presence in our body, there are times when it can be in short supply: first of all around the age of 40 its production begins to slow down naturally. Added to this are other causes: «It greatly influences lifestyle: alcohol, tobacco and some types of drugs have a negative effect on the production of glutathione. Not to mention excessive exposure to the sun and environmental pollution. Last, the presence of any inflammation, infections but also pathologies such as type 2 diabetes».
How do you run for cover in these cases? “In all these cases Glutathione levels are consumed faster than they are produced. So in general the intake of specific supplements is recommended even for people in good health, so as to prevent and carry out an antioxidant and anti-aging action. Furthermore, the supplements are recommended for smokers, people with a low or compromised immune systemto those with high inflammation or who take drugs for chronic therapies ».
Can it also be integrated with a particular diet?
In these cases follow a a particular diet helps but has limitations: naturally present in asparagus, bananas, avocados, broccoli and spinach, the amount of glutathione that can be obtained from food is very limited because the enzymes of the stomach make it an inactive molecule.
For this then, in addition to taking supplements, foods that contain its precursors can be introduced into the diet: «Examples are cysteine, a sulfur amino acid that supports the synthesis of glutathione, and selenium, an essential mineral and cofactor of glutathione» concludes the expert.