Glory Camila | The new television project of Gloria Camila in full battle with the daughter of Ana María Aldón

07/30/2022 at 13:50


Rocío Jurado’s daughter premieres in a new format on Telecinco

Without a doubt, José Ortega Cano and Ana Maria Aldon They continue to give a lot of content to Mediaset programs. For this reason, Gloria Camila will face the latest news from the couple in a new television project. The collaborator has announced her project for the summer in which she will not be far from the commotion and the rest of the controversies that surround her.

This very Saturday afternoon, Rocío Jurado’s daughter premieres in a new format of Telecinco, just a few hours after the criticized interview of Ana María’s daughter. After making known the enmity between the two and the serious insults that Gema launched at her, she will have to sit in a program waiting to see if she speaks or not.

Specifically, the collaborator is starting a new stage on Telecinco after the end of ‘It’s already eight’, as was recently announced on the network. From this Saturday she will be part of the team of ‘Is summer’, in which she will be one of her usual tertulians together with Frank Blanco, Verónica Dulanto and Marta González Novo.
