Glory 80: Jay Overmeer wins with technical knockout from Jos van Belzen

The kickboxing duel between Jay Overmeer from Badhoevedorp and Jos van Belzen from IJmuide was won by Overmeer. In the second round, Van Belzen went down three times, after which the referee ended the match (technical knockout). The evening ended on a low note, as spectators clashed with each other.

In the first round, the kickboxers were evenly matched, but the jury unanimously designated Overmeer as the better. That was right, because in round two it was over with Van Belzen. He got up twice more after a blow from Overmeer, but on the third time it was finished in Hasselt, Belgium.

For Overmeer it was his debut on Glory. Van Belzen already fought several matches, but this was his first fight in the category up to 77 kilograms.

NH Sport made the report below in the run-up to the match. Text continues below the video.

Riots end the evening

Later in the evening things went wrong during the fight between Badr Hari and Arkadiusz Wrzosek. Spectators got into a fight and chairs flew through the Trixxo Arena. It was then decided not to continue for safety reasons. Amsterdammer Levi Rigters therefore did not play against Jamal Ben Saddik.
