Glorious Hovocubo eliminated in Champions League

The Champions League dream has shattered hard for Hovocubo. The futsal players from Zwaag had to win the last group match against the Slovenian Dobovec, but that failed: 3-0. As a result, the North Hollanders return to the Netherlands scoreless.

Hovocubo went down hard against FC Barcelona (6-1) and Luxol St Andrews (5-1). The best three teams qualify for the next round, which meant that Dobovec had to be defeated. Captain Mats Velseboer was missing due to a red card against St Andrews.

For a long time the futsal players from Zwaag were able to offer good resistance and it was 0-0 at half time. In the last ten minutes it was completely given away. Ziga Ceh made the first goal, after which Kristan Cujec and Rok Mordej sprinkled even more salt in the wounds.

Focus on competition

Later in the evening FC Barcelona and Luxol St Andrews will decide who will be the group winner, but that does not matter to Hovocubo. The team can now focus on the competition and will play FCK/De Hommel on 4 November.
