Gloria Romero: a mother against impunity

“First I cried, threw myself on the floor and hit the wall. I did everything any mother who receives news like this would do. But one day they passed by me and told me ‘we are everywhere’, as if they were watching me Then they passed by and told me ‘stay cool, you still have one left’. That’s where everything rotted. I realized that Ceci was not going to return, that the only thing left for me was to ask for Justice and move on for my other daughter, to the that I have to defend. I did like the fox. Did you see that the fox goes into the cave and covers the entrance with its body? I had to put myself there, so that they focus on me. Lastly, they kill me. The threats did not end: now they take photos of the gendarmes who are at the door of my house or at night you can hear them shouting ‘Ceciliaaa’. But it doesn’t move me anymore. It’s psychological wear and tear, they want you to back off. But this female has the largest eggs in America.” The question to Gloria Romero It was obvious: where does he get his strength from?

Glory She answers the phone for NEWS on Wednesday the 28th. It’s not a good day: ten years ago she had surgery on her spine and still, when there is humidity, her body aches. But that is not important. A few hours earlier, forensic experts had confirmed that the skeletal remains found in the Tragadero River were human and everything seems to indicate that they belong to her eldest daughter, Cecilia Strzyzowski.

June 6 was the last day she was seen Cecilia with life. Glory I was in a good phase. In the past nothing had been easy: her biological mother abandoned her, she had difficulties getting pregnant, her husband had caused her problems and she was deleted after her pediatrician Cecilia found signs of abuse in the 4-year-old girl, although he later had a lack of merit in Justice. Glory he rummaged with a neighborhood store and it was always difficult to make ends meet.

As if that were not enough, when her daughters grew up and began to take off, an accident left her paralyzed. She had to relearn how to walk and she not only did it, but she started training like she never did before. She lost 53 kilos and became obsessed with preparing for the Chaco-Corrientes marathon. “The girls had already studied, they worked and I thought: well, now it’s my turn. That’s what I was doing when this nonsense appeared, ”she says.

The “despelote” is the murder of Cecilia. Perhaps that is the best word to try to explain everything that this crime implies: the investigators have no doubt that the 28-year-old girl was killed by her partner, Cesar Seineand their in-laws, Emerenciano Seine and Patricia Acunatwo powerful social leaders from Chaco and close to the governor, Jorge Capitanich. Justice also believes that the clan had the help of at least five collaborators who are in custody. And the hypotheses about how his body was discarded include that it was dismembered and burned.

“I went out to fight to end impunity. It’s not for me, it’s so that there won’t be another Cecilia. I put my pain in a drawer, in the background. That’s why they see me as strong, ”she explains. The fronts against which he fights are political, but also family. After her ex-husband disappeared for 24 years, the man cried publicly for her daughter and, according to Glorycollected notes and even organized a money collection.

The reappearance is suspicious to him: strzyzowski He was a classmate at school Patricia Acuna and dealt with the Sena. “Suddenly he was very interested in the case, he wanted to know if there was progress and hire a lawyer he trusted. That started to freak me out so I asked my FBI web for help,” she recounts.

Cesar Sena and Cecilia

The ‘FBI web’ is a network of women who empathize with her story and gather information for her. “I even have girls in the Emerenciano neighborhood. I learned from them that my ex-husband’s children are cared for at the health institute in that neighborhood, what can you think? ”, she asks herself.

The comparison between Glory and Ada Morales it is unavoidable. The crime of Maria Soledad In the Catamarca of the ’90s, it marked a before and after in society, which could see that “the sons of power” could not only kill, but also had at their disposal all kinds of resources to guarantee impunity. Thirty years later, in the Chaco, a powerful clan is accused of killing Cecilia and devise a series of strategies to get away with it. In both cases, however, they found mothers willing to do anything.

In her youth, Gloria passed 24 subjects of the Business Administration degree. She never practiced but she acknowledges that a good part of her oratory comes from there. Last year she had enrolled in Law and she defines herself as self-taught.

Her biological mother left when she was a child. She “She left us because she didn’t like creatures. She had children by her because she was forced by her husband. We would visit her and there she would throw us some money, but she, more than her mother, was a well-known person. My aunt was my foster mom,” she recalls. That woman is Mercedes, the lady with whom they came to live Cecilia and Cease and who today leads the marches demanding Justice. She was the one who helped her with the economy of her home when her daughters were girls thanks to the salary she earned as an obstetrician and a pension.

Capitanich and Seine

Mercedes He also helped her with the pregnancies: in the Cecilia she had to spend six months in absolute rest and apply three injections a day to avoid losing the baby. “He was born seven months. She was so small, so skinny that she looked like a little monkey and that’s where the nicknames ‘La Monkey’ or ‘La Monita’ came from,” she recalls.

In those years things with her husband were no longer good. “He was a womanizer and always got into weird things. My family had to stand up for him because he got into debt and didn’t pay, ”she says. With Cecilia newborn they separated, but in a reunion Glory got pregnant by Angela. She tried once more, but when she was in her fourth month of pregnancy, she found him at her house with another woman.

Until the pediatrician warned him about the signs of abuse, Glory she planned to raise her daughters with the father present. The information brought her closer to a group that depended on the Ministry of Health, which accompanied her throughout the judicial process in which the man was exonerated for lack of merit. “I did not want this to be aired. On top of that they killed her, telling that she was a victim of her when she was little was ugly. But he came out with assholes and I come with the tip caps, ”she complains.

TO Glory It exasperates her that they want to take political advantage of the case. “I hate politicians all equally,” he says. In fact, he says that now he participated in the primary elections to give his “raiser vote”, but that he had not voted since he was 22 or 23 years old. “Once I found out that people up to 140 years of age had voted in an election and I said that’s it, why the fuck am I going to waste my day on this if later they fill the ballot boxes with the dead. I decided that I was never going to participate ”, he underlines.

Glory He speaks with an admirable integrity. He has to stand firm and for now he just waits for the genetic study on the skeletal remains to confirm whether they are Cecilia’s bones so that he can prepare a duel. She believes in God, but not in the churches, and she is devoted to the Virgin of Itatí although she says she does not need spiritual or any kind of accompaniment: “I am a girl who has been through a lot in life and I learned to heal myself, to lick my wounds and get up”, he says and repeats that he only has two objectives: Justice for Cecilia and taking care of Ángela.

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