‘Glennis Grace so skinny because of her cheeky son’

Sonja Bakker thinks Glennis Grace has lost so much weight because of her cheeky son Anthony (15). “I think Glennis is just blocking. He just can’t eat anymore,” said the egg cake.

© RTL, YouTube

Glennis Grace has been looked at badly online program by Sonja Bakker proclaimed ‘alarm bell of the week’. Not because she beat the Jumbo short and small, but because she would be a bit on the skinny side. And according to Sonja, that is due to her teenage son Anthony.

Jojo Glennis

Sonja notices that Glennis’ weight always fluctuates a lot. “Glennis is also a yo-yo player. Then she is a bit heavier and now we found her to be on the skinny side again. But you also kind of know the reason,” she says in her online talk show, which was recorded well after Glennis’ arrest.

Her co-host Jacco Bosman then: “Yes, she also has a son and I recently heard a conversation memo about how he abuses people and I know a lot about what, and that of course means something to her.”


Jacco is referring here to the sound fragment broadcast by the program Gossip Talk. In this you can hear how Glennis’ son goes completely wild. The recipient would be a critic of Glennis. “Brother, come to my f•cking neighborhood brother. Kaolo piss brother. Come say it to my f•cking face man”, he said, among other things.

And so it went on for a while: “Shoot, then shoot, kaolosucker. Tomorrow one o’clock, if you’re not there, you’re the l•l. He is the l•l brother. Brother, tomorrow if you are not there, come with your kaologang. Brother, come on, talk tough, brother. Tomorrow if you’re not there, piss. I want to see you tomorrow.”

emo eater

Sonja agrees: “Yes, of course she has a teenage boy and that is difficult. I also have adolescent children and as a mother you quickly worry about the children. So an emo eater either eats that bar of chocolate completely, but I think Glennis just blocks. He just can’t eat anymore.”

“And then she has a busy job of course and her performances are sometimes canceled again. Well, no. A lot of uncertainty. So Glennis: we really want you to keep eating and especially the healthy snacks. My dear, we think you are a wonderful person.”

talk show

Sonja’s talk show:
