Glennis Grace sees resistance increasing: ‘NOT in a nursing home!’

Glennis Grace sees resistance to her community service job site increase. After Sébas Diekstra, a columnist for Woman is now also very fiercely critical. “It’s a travesty that she’s allowed there!”

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The two hundred hours of community service imposed on Glennis Grace for her violent behavior in the Jumbo, she may fulfill in a nursing home. According to lawyer Sébas Diekstra, who represents victims of The Voice, it is an outright shame that such a person is released among vulnerable elderly people.

‘this is weird’

Woman columnist Hester Zitvast joins there in her column at on. She points out that people in care homes have all kinds of health problems and sometimes can no longer take care of themselves. “Then it is, to put it mildly, a bit strange that someone who has been convicted of assault should pay precisely there?”

If you want a permanent job in such an organization, you have to hand over a Declaration on Behavior, Hester emphasises. A Dutch celebrity like Glennis would never get such a statement. “We are talking about someone who attacked a supermarket employee with a gang of thugs.”

Unsafe feeling

Many people know Glennis from her appearances in the media and will therefore have a milder feeling about it. “But just think about the words ‘convicted of a violent crime’,” she says.

Without necessarily talking about Glennis. “Sec the message that someone is coming to work in the nursing home of your father/mother/grandfather or grandmother who has committed a violent crime. Doesn’t that make you feel unsafe?”

Hester thinks a factory or park service would be a more appropriate punishment for Glennis. “But not with vulnerable elderly people.”

Paper stick

There is also a lot of criticism of Glennis’ community service on social media. “Sending off with a paper picker seems like a better idea!” Marie tweets.

And HWH: “Having criminals do community service at organizations where you can only enter with a Declaration on Behavior??? Isn’t anyone here calling something about this in the House of Representatives?”

Finally, Rien: “Let her work at the parks department.”

Twitter discussion

A considerable discussion has arisen about Glennis under the tweet of Sébas Diekstra:
