Glennis Grace remains pariah of the Jordaan: ‘Apologies are not convincing’

Glennis Grace remains the pariah of the Jordaan, even after her apology film inspired by Lil Kleine. “I’ve talked to local residents and they just don’t believe it,” says Aran Bade.

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It has now been about a month and a half since Glennis Grace stormed into her neighborhood supermarket with her thug crew. She has done a lot in the Jumbo and everything is on screen. Now that she no longer receives any invitations and the Ladies of Soul are also under pressure to expel Glennis from the group, she begins to squeeze him.

Copying behavior

Finally, Glennis has come up with an apology, one day after Lil Kleine did the same. Apart from Patty Brard – who even in a triple murder still strokes her heart when an excuse film comes out – Glennis’s film is not really good.

Reporter Aran Bade of RTL Boulevard thinks that Glennis just looked closely at Lil Kleine (Jorik Scholten). “It seems like a bit of copying behaviour, like: hey, that might also be good if we do that. Today I also had contact with some local residents and people in the Jordaan.”

Jordaan pukes on Glennis

What do those people in the Jordaan say? “The people who were directly involved in this and the young people who work at Jumbo think this is a slap in the face. They say: ‘So much has happened there, it also happened in association.’ She came there with a so-called vigilante group. They cannot bear this.”

It’s just unbelievable, said Aran. “As calm as she is now in this video, she should have been so calm then. That feeling is now very prevalent in the Jordaan. They don’t actually believe it.”

Colleague Luuk Ikink: “That’s partly due to the timing, isn’t it? Precisely because she does it today, right after Lil Kleine’s video. It feels like copying behavior and that is why you start to believe it less.”

Next patient

Weekend boss Bart Ettekoven agrees. “I just thought: that’s the next patient in the waiting room, and who else will follow? What else do we get for howling-crying videos from people thrown around our ears? Because of course there are quite a few in the waiting room,” he says in Shownieuws.

It’s damage control, says Bart. “I kind of get the feeling – and I said that about Lil Kleine yesterday – that these kind of people are slowly starting to feel the consequences in their wallets of the things they’ve done. People have of course called her off, she sees her agenda empty and the costs are continuing in the meantime.”

not sincere

Johan Derksen does not believe Glennis, he says in Today Inside. “Do you know why this excuse is coming now? That’s very simple. Look, the stages are open again and I think there are few invitations to perform. (…) The Ladie sof Soul are going to tour again and there goes her career and her money. It’s been some time since she’s coming up with this, isn’t it?”

According to Hélène Hendriks, the video message is not good. “I actually think it’s a bit clumsy. Dropping certain silences and it’s right after Lil Kleine.”

Wilfred Genee: “It’s so late and it’s with an ulterior motive. You want to secure your job.”

Jumbo doesn’t want her

Kees van der Spek says in Jinek that it would be more credible if Glennis would silently apologize to Jumbo employees, but according to Marc-Marie Huijbregts no one is waiting for that. “I think the people of the Jumbo would not like it so much if she came by. With that group of seven again!”

The comedian: “She shouldn’t think now when she hears this: oh, then I’m going to visit tomorrow evening! She shouldn’t do that, because those people are scared to death. I don’t think they put her music on either. I just think they want nothing to do with her for a while.”
