‘Glennis Grace punished too harshly? I honestly think it’s still mild!’

Glennis Grace does not get away easily with her complete misbehavior in the Jumbo. Now even the concerts of the Ladies of Soul have been cancelled. Isn’t it going too far? “No, it’s still mild!”

© SBS 6, RTL 4

Glennis Grace’s artist life has virtually come to a standstill. Due to her misbehavior in the Jumbo, even the concerts of the Ladies of Soul have now been cancelled. Some people are now starting to feel a bit sorry for the singer and wonder if she is not being punished a little too hard.

“It’s still mild!”

Presenter Dyantha Brooks sympathizes a bit with Glennis. “Isn’t the punishment too severe for Glennis? Since we don’t even know what she did yet,” she says in Shownieuws.

Victor Vlam, who is the most feared expert of Shownieuws immediately after his first broadcast, says: “I honestly think it is still too mild, to be honest. She has not yet been convicted, but what she is suspected of and for which there are indications, I think is a very serious matter.”


Glennis just needs to disappear completely from the media’s view for a while, Victor thinks. “I’ll be honest: I think she deserves a time-out, and I think she can take it. For example a year.”

He continues: “I think she just needs to work on herself, because if you start smashing that Jumbo there, it indicates that you see certain things in the wrong way. I think you really need to ask yourself why you do things like that.”


Weekend boss Bart Ettekoven is shocked by his outspoken colleague: “I still find it difficult to express my opinion as fiercely as you do, because we don’t know what happened. You say: ‘She has smashed things up there’, but we don’t know that.”

Victor: “But quite a lot of evidence has come out in the meantime, which Glennis has also partly not been contradicted. It’s not like she’s denying a lot.”

big victim

Glennis does indeed behave clumsily, according to Bart. “I think her attitude in the beginning was also… She then said something like: ‘I’m going to tell you the truth, because it’s all very different!’ Then she came up with a very long statement in which she expressed regret, but also saw herself as a huge victim… That didn’t go well either.”

And now the Ladies of Soul are already the victims of Glennis. Victor: “Shouldn’t Glennis have withdrawn much earlier? That would have been much more social towards the other ladies.”
