‘Glennis Grace needs a psychologist’

Hans Klok thinks Glennis Grace needs a psychologist to get rid of her behavioral problems. “Her behavior has to be curbed and then I think it will be fine.”


Glennis Grace has really lost all of her sympathy points by ranting like some kind of savage tokkie in her neighborhood-Jumbo. In particular, her media appearances after that have gone down the wrong way with many people. Illusionist Hans Klok also thinks that the singer is absolutely not doing well.

‘Not very smart’

According to Hans, it is not convenient that Glennis recently sat at the table with Eva Jinek, he says in the Weekend. “I haven’t seen that. I heard she didn’t come out very well. Not so smart if you have to appear in court a week later.”

According to Hans, she is a walking PR drama. “If, when she just got out of the police cell, she had taken off her hood and immediately apologized to the NOS camera, everyone would have forgotten it by now. But she opted, in my view, for radio silence for too long.”

Good psychologist

Hans is double in it, because he knows Glennis personally and he always found her quite sympathetic. “She can be very nice and sweet,” he says. “She’s just a woman with a really big mouth and a certain attitude that isn’t always fun. But also a gifted singer, who had to go through the dust for her mistake.”

“I think she sincerely regrets it. Now she just needs to find a good psychologist who will curb her behavior, and then I think Glennis will be fine.”
