Glennis Grace is lucky, does not have to poke paper for community service

Glennis Grace is lucky with probation. Because of her celebrity status, her community service will be done as anonymously as possible. “For example, in a kitchen where a small group of people work.”


Glennis Grace’s holiday on Curaçao is over and that means that work has to be done again. Singing is of course no longer an option for the Jumbo vandal, but there is still a community service of 200 hours open. What exactly should she do? Will we soon see the Whitney Houston impersonator poking paper in the Vondelpark?

No additional penalty

No, says Jildert Stroosma of the probation service today The Telegraph. He does not want to say when exactly Glennis will start her community service, but he does confirm that it will be done as anonymously as possible.

He explains: “With well-known Dutch people, it can cause sensitivities. And it doesn’t have to be an extra punishment. We will not put a celebrity in a public park to maintain the greenery there.”


It only takes one person to text the magazines and the whole park is full of paparazzi. That is not the intention, explains Jildert. “After all, the chance that the press will come to it, or that people will take pictures, is high and that also has consequences for the privacy of our employees and other clients. Those are considerations we make.”

Where does Glennis go then? “An alternative to Glennis could be a closed setting, such as a kitchen where a small group of people work. We look at that on an individual basis.”

Don’t sing

One thing is certain: Glennis is not allowed to sing Whitney Houston songs in a nursing home or the like to fulfill her community service.

“These are not the punishments that are common with us. We really look at the penalty effect. It should be a punishment and be experienced as such.”
