Glennis Grace is fighting his way back to the top: ‘I have bookings again’

Shutters closed and shopping carts inside: Glennis Grace is going out in the country again. She says she is receiving more and more bookings. “It’s actually going very well.”

© SBS 6

That woman has shot herself in the foot financially: a few minutes of rioting between the margarine and the luncheon meat has cost Glennis Grace almost her entire career. She may soon make her comeback in some dinner show and now she is determined to fight her way back to the top.

Back on track

Glennis states that her career as a Whitney Houston impersonator is slowly getting back on track. “It’s going very well. I’m still working on my album. The first single is waiting for everyone. Well, I don’t know for everyone, but at least for the people who do want to hear it,” she says Show news.

She thinks it is time to get over the Jumbo scandal. “Yes, the fact is that everything has to be about music again, right, in the end. The performances are slowly coming back, so I’m a happy person. Certainly.”

R&B party

The Shownieuws reporter speaks to Glennis at the R&B concert that John Williams organizes annually in Ahoy. She was there not as a singer, but as a guest. According to desk chair Natacha Harlequin, Glennis is always present at that party. “What I liked at the time was that Glennis Grace was also there that evening in the aftermath of that trial.”

John was very sympathetic at the time, says Natacha. “The case was already completely completed and then she was there too. Then he said: ‘I welcome everyone and Glennis, I know you are there and I like having you there.’ I thought that was nice of him. I thought: apparently you two have something together. She was also a bit emotional, because I could see her in the distance.”

Edsilia present

Now Glennis was back. A striking detail is that her ex-Ladies of Soul colleague Edsilia Rombley was also there. “They were both there, but no one saw them communicate with each other. Not that, but in principle it is nice that everything is going well again. In any case, everyone is in one room again,” says Patty Brard.

Patty: “Glennis also told us that she is going back to work with that dinner show, so there is progress again. It actually seems like her career is going uphill again.”

Natacha: “I think she can be on stage next year. I hope so.”
