‘Glennis Grace has no money at all to take a career break’

Many people think that Glennis Grace should disappear from the spotlight for a while after her fight in the Jumbo, but according to critics that will be difficult. “She has an expensive house.”


Glennis Grace is vomited by many people after her misbehavior in the Jumbo and since she herself does not leave the ladies’ formation Ladies of Soul, she also pulls her colleagues into it. Edsilia Rombley, for example, has had a lot of negative reactions to defending Glennis in Eva Jinek’s talk show.

Empty room

Critics believe that Glennis should keep a low profile, at least until the lawsuit against her is over. Many fans of Ladies of Soul also have a wry feeling that Glennis’ behavior is apparently tolerated.

Jordi Versteegden, reporter for De Telegraaf, says in a video: “If you read the reactions next to that statement, you would almost think that they will soon be standing in front of an empty hall, because there are really people who say: ‘Then I’m going to put my ticket up for sale again!’”

earn money

According to Jordi, it is a matter of money that Glennis simply wants to continue her performances. “Personally, I think it’s a bit early for her to want to pick up the thread again, but money has to come in the drawer again. A house in the Jordaan is not cheap either and she just has to earn money again.”

Glennis has therefore recorded a sorry video, but many people do not believe it. One of them is Weekend boss Bart Ettekoven. He finds it rather ’embarrassing and transparent’, he writes in his editorial. “Cancelling her tour costs a lot of money and of course not that much cash came in the past period.”


Bart points out that someone like Glennis will also be urged by her manager to pick up the performance again. “Managers get a nice percentage of all those high-paid performances. And the mortgage cannot be paid from twenty percent of zero,” he says.

Such a sorry film is therefore simply a PR tactic, according to Bart. “If you ask me, this time again it was all about money.”

great joy

Are there still people who do like the fact that Glennis wants to perform again? Yes, the little-loved lawyer Gerald Roethof, for example. He thinks Glennis is being treated too harshly. “She has said something on her part quite recently. What does society say? ‘Now only, it’s too late, not credible.’”

Gerald is pleased that Glennis is picking up the thread again. “I have seen to my great joy that she is going to perform again.”
