Glennis Grace dumped by The Harbor Club: ‘Good decision’

Glennis Grace has been dumped by The Harbor Club after all. The musical evening that she would provide in the restaurant next month is cancelled. “We distance ourselves from violence.”


After the fight in the Jumbo, Glennis Grace thought he could still perform. She will be singing again next month, her management announced just before the weekend. What?! Will The Harbor Club really let her on stage? A storm of criticism erupted. Yesterday the restaurant backtracked, now it has a line through it.

Stripe through Glennis

The Harbor Club is no longer happy with Glennis. “The Harbor Club distances itself at all times from all forms of violence and undesirable behaviour. Following our earlier reports and in view of further developments, we have decided to permanently delete the programming of Glennis Grace from the agenda.”

Glennis responds to this news with some Buddhist proverbs in her Instagram stories about breathing calmly and understanding that you are still alive. Completely off track.

Positive reactions

The decision of The Harbor Club can count on many positive reactions, can be read on NUjij, the reaction platform of For example, Hans says: “Good decision by the Harbor Club. How exactly it went there in the supermarket with our dear Glennis and family; You don’t want to be associated with that anyway.”

Someone else says: “Hope nothing happens to Harbor Club, with such a decision Grace might get angry and then show her less beautiful side….”

And Freda: “And that’s the way it should be. Canceling is the only right thing to do. Let the investigation and possible lawsuit take place first.”

Aggressive behavior

Realisticview believes that The Harbor Club is sending a clear signal with this. “It’s good to see that aggressive behavior has consequences. Hopefully that will bring some reflection to the aggressor in question. And with colleagues and clients thereof, because unfortunately there are still plenty of artists who are not affected by socially unacceptable behaviour. Well done Harbor Club!”

And Ada: “Awwww, a line through the income and rightly so. She looks forward to the investigation with confidence… Me too, but I don’t think she has that many chats after that.”


And so the rave reviews go on and on. Veluwe enthusiast: “Well, I think that’s a very good decision by the Harbor Club. I hope there are more that ban her. Own fault, etc. Respect for this decision and no respect at all for Mrs Stennis.”

And Bjorn: “You are absolutely right, it will only give your company a bad name if you go into business with it. Nobody is going to look at that anymore after you molest a number of Jumbo employees.”
