Glennis Grace-dirt not on the street: Jumbo undercover action failed

Weekly Privé has not been able to get dirt about Glennis Grace during an undercover operation in supermarket Jumbo. “People are really boarded up.”


Glennis Grace’s career has been put on the back burner since she raged like a kind of unhinged Tokkie in the Jumbo branch in Amsterdam’s Jordaan. She was in custody for three nights with her son and it probably won’t stop there. What happened and what is on the picture? At the Jumbo they keep their lips together.

Undercover action

Editor-in-chief Evert Sankrediets of the Privé has set up an undercover operation. “We have done shopping in the Jumbo a few times now. Just with a full cart and then address a staff member with: ‘What happened?’ The people are really all boarded up. Nobody says anything about it.”

Evert finds it strange that no one from the Jumbo camp is leaking to the media or to the juice channels. “It is striking that the Jumbo remains so quiet,” he says on the Telegraaf site

Jumbo photo

Gerard Joling has a photo of what the Jumbo looked like after Glennis’ visit. Evert: “There seems to be a photo of what that store looked like once Glennis and her hallway had left. It never came out either. The big wait is: what will happen next?”

What does Evert think? “That she will be prosecuted and face a judge in the foreseeable future, that is part of it. Then you can also go and see what the damage will be to her career, but it will be really significant. You generally don’t want people who organize this at your party.”
