Glennis Grace commits a huge blunder: ‘Paparazzi are ready!’

Glennis Grace makes a blunder. She says she does not want ‘prying eyes’ during her community service, but has announced the location where she will carry it out. “You better not do that.”


Jumbo vandal Glennis Grace is about to start her 200-hour community service. The singer is now wearing Show news let it be known that she will be working at the nursing home in which her father died. She keeps a secret when exactly she starts there, because she doesn’t want any ‘prying eyes’.


Then, according to Private boss Evert Santegoeds, it is not very useful to reveal where you will perform that community service. “It is possible to find out where that was, so if you want to do those 200 hours in peace for five weeks, then you better not say where you will do it, but she has decided to make it known.”

In other words: Evert already has his paparazzi in the starting blocks. “I wish her the best of luck, because it’s about to start, I understand,” he says in the podcast Strictly Private.

Grandmas and Grandpas

RTL Boulevard star Daan Nieber thinks that the elderly had better hide. “After Jumbo employees, grandpas and grandmas now also have to find cover for Glennis Grace, because she will perform her community service in the nursing home where her father lived until his death,” he says in the show section.

He wonders if this is a convenient location to put Glennis. “Yes, Rob, there is a shortage in elderly care and Glennis is going to work there. Is this good?”


Show expert Rob Goossens then: “Well, if I hear the stories of people who work in healthcare, then she will have to roll up her sleeves. That seems good. I hope she does her best.”

Crime journalist Jermaine Ellenkamp: “But I still think: if you can choose such a community service yourself… It is a punishment and now it feels a bit like she can choose a place that she feels comfortable with. I think it is a bit dubious that you can choose it yourself, but it is customary.”

Hard work

Daan: “And she probably just has to work hard for 200 hours. Let’s assume that.”

Jermaine: “Let’s hope so.”
