Glennis Grace back on speaking terms with Boulevard

The Glennis Grace juice has run out and they have also been squeezed out at the editorial office of RTL Boulevard. In fact, the show section is suddenly back on speaking terms with the Jumbo vandal.


They enjoyed it at RTL Boulevard: Glennis Grace who, like a kind of hysteric, started running through the Jumbo with her shopping basket and renovated half the store there. Then Aran Bade was standing in front of the police station again, then he was again getting reactions from indignant local residents. Very entertaining television.

Armistice Day

At one point, Flemish fans of Glennis were even met by Boulevard to ask them just before her concert if they actually knew who the hell they were going to. The show section got a really nice sticker from juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer, but now it’s all over.

Glennis and Boulevard have signed a truce, Aran reveals in the Jinek broadcast from last night. That was about forgiveness in the public debate, which, according to those involved at the table, is sometimes lacking.

Nice guy

AD tiger shark Angela de Jong starts about it. “A discussion like the one we just had at the table, that you differ in opinion and then just carry on, because you think: it’s Jan Slagter, otherwise he’s just a nice guy, but on this point we think differently… That’s possible almost no more…”

She continues: “I have also had a discussion with Johan Derksen at the table that people were surprised afterwards that I sat down there again. I think then: you differ on certain points. I have that with my husband. That can also clash quite a bit on certain fronts.”

On speaking terms

Then Aran cites the argument between Boulevard and Glennis. “Glennis Grace is a good example at RTL Boulevard. We really critically followed everything that happened there and now we are giving her another chance. We’re back on speaking terms.”

He continues: “That sounds very formal, but that’s how it should be, I think. If you have a discussion, you can also shake hands and then move on.”

Much needed

Glennis has no choice either, Angela thinks. “She really needs you too.”

Aran: “Yes, in the end they all need Boulevard, yes. Haha.”
