Glasses bonus: how to request a refund for your eyesight

dfter months of waiting, the platform that will manage the requests is ready: land questions for the 2023 glasses bonusin fact, they can be forwarded starting from 12 noon tomorrow 5 May.

What is the glasses bonus

Also said sight bonusit is a one-off contribution of 50 euros for the purchase of corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses. It is valid for purchases made between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023.

Refund or voucher

In case of purchase already made, is disbursed by refund. If, on the other hand, the purchase has not been made, a voucher is issued.

This is to be used no later than 30 days after its generation and only at the suppliers and shops that have joined the initiative and have correctly accredited themselves on the platform. L’list business suit it can be found on the dedicated platform of the Ministry of Health.

Also called sight bonus, this is a one-off contribution of 50 euros for the purchase of corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses (Getty)

The required requirements

The bonus is reserved for families with Isee income not exceeding 10 thousand euros and can be used only once by each member referring to ISEE. Verification of the requirement linked to the ISEE is the responsibility of the INPS.

Glasses bonus: how to apply

Requests to obtain the view bonus open, as mentioned, tomorrow Friday 5 May at 12 and they can be forwarded to the end of the year (unless the funds used up beforehand).

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The application must be submitted on the official platform of the Ministry of Healthwhich is already active. Beneficiaries are asked to submit the Single substitute declaration (Dsu) and it level 2 spid, or the Electronic identity card 3.0 (Cie) or even the National Service Charter (Cns).

