Gladbach fan anger against Rose and Eberl escalates

Even after the impressive prestige victory, Borussia Mönchengladbach fans continued to work on RB Leipzig and their ex-coach.

Marco Rose also felt the full fan anger after RB’s 0: 3 (0: 2) at his old place of work. There was insults and whistles from the ranks, just like before and during the emotionally charged game at his former club. Former sports director Max Eberl, who is about to join RB, was also insulted on fan posters.

Gladbach midfielder Christoph Kramer, who hugged Rose warmly after the final whistle, did not understand the actions of his own supporters.

“I don’t share the hatred of many people at all. I know that it’s part of the business and that unfortunately it always takes on a certain dynamic, but I don’t agree with it,” said the 2014 world champion on “Sky”: “Marco Rose as a coach and as a person is outstanding.”

Referee Ittrich takes action

The mood in Borussia Park in front of 50,186 spectators was also heated because of Max Eberl’s personality. Last week, the Borussia fan project settled accounts with Eberl in an open letter about his forthcoming move to RB.

Eberl was verbally abused on posters in the stadium. The stadium announcer even warned the fans in the curve to take down a poster, otherwise referee Patrick Ittrich would interrupt the game. It said: “A son-of-a-bitch association only hires sons of a bitch.”

When it comes to such insults on banners, he has a “relatively short leash,” Ittrich said afterwards, “we have to take relatively clear action against such things. There are children in the stadium, here are people who want to see football. To use this area to trumpeting insulting statements – that has to stop.”

He is “not the biggest fan in the direction of RB Leipzig either,” said Kramer, “but pure hatred does not belong on any sports field and not in our world, so it was absolutely right to take down the poster.”

Eberl had always harshly criticized the RB construct from the Red Bull cosmos during his time in Mönchengladbach.
