Gladbach coach Farke: “Will not organize a chair circle”

As the new head coach at Bundesliga club Borussia Mönchengladbach, Daniel Farke wants to impress with a very individual leadership style. His style and his appearance towards the team differ significantly from those of his predecessor Adi Hütter.

The Austrian, who was in charge of the Gladbach bench last season and finished in a disappointing tenth place with the Fohlenelf, was considered to be distant and reserved when dealing with the squad.

Farke, on the other hand, relies on a new mix of football coach and buddy type. In the training camp at Tegernsee, he gave the players an entire evening off and let the team linger and have fun in an external restaurant without him being there.

Farke is often seen laughing on the training ground, in direct contact with his pros. The 45-year-old is pursuing a clear approach, which he explained to “Sport Bild”: “In my opinion, as a coach nowadays you have to master the entire keyboard: you have to take care of the players, joke with them, put them in a good mood. You can’t reach them with fear and whip.”

Farke wants Gladbach “lead back up”

In order to find the right balance in dealing with his players, Farke makes it clear at the same time: “On the other hand, we will not organize a circle of chairs and then vote together on which tactics we will play. I will specify that as a coach. It will also happen give long monologues.”

Authority and mastermind on the one hand, the empathetic contact person and co-creator on the other: the former Premier League team manager wants to find the right balance to ensure that Gladbach recovers quickly from the last two lean years without qualifying for the European Cup.

In the meantime, Farke leaves no doubts about his big goal towards the specialist magazine: “We work very purposefully. It’s a big task for me and it can’t be implemented at the push of a button. That takes some time. But I do it with respect, I’m looking forward to it and – I can already say that – with great confidence to lead Borussia back to the top.”
