Given with advertising for ijsjes en chips court op children: sector federations speak stricter criteria af | landlocked

The Voedingssector gaat vanaf June 2023 geen reclame voor onder Meer ijsjes, chips and frisdrank Meer set up op children. This has been announced by the sector federations of the Voedingsindustrie (Fevia), by trade (Comeos) and by the Adverteerders (UBA).

Al in October hadden de three organizations het plan aangekondigd, in a reactie op een opproep van de Hoge Gezondheidsraad. Accordingly, the raad schiet de zelfregulering tekort and would like to overheden “op all levels ingrijpen en een regelgeving invoeren die Kinderen dead eight years ago beschermt tegen advertising en marketing voor ongezonde voeding”.

Fevia lightened the maatregelen maandag verder toe. The Voedingssector zal de regels van zijn own ‘Belgian Pledge’ – wararmee voedingsbedrijven en supermarkets are 2012 beloven om hun reclame gericht naar Kinderen te beperken – stricter maken. Both have been described in the advertising code of the sector, waardoor ze van toepassing been for the hele sector and the jury for ethical practices in advertising (JEP) for the purpose of doing so in the naleving. Tot nu toe had about 80 percent of the bedrijven zich achter het zelfregulerende initiatief geschaard.

Higher leeward definitions for criteria

Concrete conclusion of the sector of June een a number of products complete uit van reclame court op children. Zo zullen bedrijven rond Kinderprogramma’s and other ijsjes, chips, frisdrank, snoep en chocolate not longer in the kijker zetten. The tightening of the nutritional criteria for the products that are considered to be no longer advertised in the children’s room.

Also, there are stricter guidelines in the sector of leeftijdsgrens, from 12 to 13 years, later televising, the court is up to children and there is no breach of the law. The plan is to publish a program for at least 30 percent of children by the age of 13 years, decrees that the sector for transport in June will be a children’s program. At the moment the percentage is no more than 35 percent.
