Giulia Tramontano news: her boyfriend had been poisoning her for months

Breakthrough in the case of the seven months pregnant girl killed by her boyfriend

Editorial board

– Milan

Alexander Impagnetiellothe Senago killer who killed the girlfriend Giulia Tramontano with 37 stab wounds, last May 27, he had been trying to kill her for several months by administering rat poison to her.

Alessandro impagnatiello poisoned Giulia Tramontano

The turning point in the case of the murder of the 29-year-old girl from the province of Milan 7 months pregnant, came thanks to the results of the autopsy. From the examination of the doctors it has in fact emerged that her boyfriend and her guilty murderer confessed to her, Alessandro Impagnetiello gave her rat poison. According to the analyzes of the doctors, probably since last December the killer gave small doses of a rat poison Bromadiolone to his girlfriend. Traces of the substance have been found in his blood but also in the 7-month-old fetus. After having confessed to the murder, Impagnatiello had denied premeditation but the investigations already in the last few weeks had denied this hypothesis. Some compromising searches had been traced to the man’s computer, last January he would have searched “how much rat poison is needed to kill a person” or on the effect of rat poison in hot drinks. In the last month and a half before the murder, just looking for the right dose of poison to administer, the barman would have increased the quantity of poison.

the autopsy

The autopsy examination also revealed that Giulia bled to death, remaining alive after the stab wounds. The hypothesis of the investigators is that at least initially, Impagnatiello had tried to induce an abortion on his girlfriend. In fact, the barman saw the future child as an impediment to the possibility of living a relationship with a younger colleague who had become his lover. In the house of the barman have been find two sachets of poison. In the months leading up to her murder, the girl wrote to her friends about feeling tired, having stomach pains, surely she could not imagine that her boyfriend was trying to poison her. All these elements could lead to the addition in the courtroom of the aggravating circumstance of the cruelty contested against the confessed murderer, from the outset, but initially rejected by the judge.

a creepy case

The case of the femicide of Julia Tramontano shook Italy in the first days of June. The girl initially seemed to have disappeared and her boyfriend had also participated in the search. Then after five days, the thirty-year-old barman confessed to the murder, taking the investigators to the place where he had hidden the body just 600 meters from his home, in a cavity in a building which houses some garages in via Monte Rosa in Senago.
