Giroud and Pulisic, the understanding is super. And the tip jokes: “A deputy? We’re fine…”

Three goals in two games for the Frenchman, two for the American. The feeling between them is already perfect, under the eyes of Gerry Cardinale

Mark Pasotto

There’s a bit of blue, or rather of blue – blue Chelsea, off course – in this Milan that in two days swept away the perplexities of an entire summer on offensive production. It seemed that it was complicated, too complicated to be able to score from open play.

And it also seemed difficult to put Giroud in a position to throw her inside. Thing, the latter, which had generated a fair amount of panic among the fans. Olivier, on the other hand, got himself in place with perfect timing, for the start of the championship. And next to him he has found a trusted partner who is an old London acquaintance. Giroud shared the Chelsea dressing room with Pulisic for two seasons, from 2019 to 2021, taking the satisfaction of also winning a Champions League. One hundred and eighty minutes, and the two have both left their mark. Three Olivier goals, two Christian: five of the six Rossoneri goals are theirs and, in short, the production is abundant and precious because everything is very linear. Logical. Pulisic starts to the side, starts behind, slips in and comes in tow while Giroud frees up space for him or assists him with his skilful sides. From the penalty spot, however, the ball speaks French. He belongs to the reference centre-forward.


They really seem to be enjoying themselves, those two together. A way of performing that Milan had long since lost and which they have rediscovered the taste for. Pulisic scores concluding an action he started himself, and in the stands Gerry Cardinale smiles broadly and nods convinced. He nods because the action was beautiful, but also because Christian is a compatriot of his. He’s the star-spangled football icon, he’s the man – or rather, at 24 years of age more boy than man – who makes the reports on the shirts sold skyrocket in the USA. But Cardinale probably nods also because there are only a few days left – it was August 31st – to the first anniversary of the transfer of shares of the Rossoneri club. If you look back, there’s something to be satisfied about, but basically it’s enough to observe the present. Team with full points, a market that has revolutionized everything and is bearing clear results. The new ones who break the bank, the old ones who remember the good things of the past years.


Giroud was over the moon at the end of the match: “We are very happy, today I was lucky to get two penalties but it’s never easy to throw in. I’m really happy with the team spirit and effectiveness. The ambition is to do like two years ago. We hope to fight until the end for the Scudetto, we don’t want to hide, we are 4-5 teams that are able to do it. In this team there is even more quality and quantity. We have many players, in every position on the pitch we have at least two. Raising the level is always great.” And here pay attention to what he says later, slyly: “A deputy Giroud? I don’t know, if you ask me now I think we’re fine like this…”. Hunger. Fame at almost 37, one of his secrets. And then, some advice to Leao: “If he stays at this level all year round, he can go even higher. But I don’t tell him often otherwise he relaxes a bit too much”. Incorrigible Rafael.
