Girona, better than a year ago

02/06/2022 at 19:25


The valuations will not arrive until the end of the season. It will then be time to review, to see if the objectives have been met or not and the homework has been done.

For now, however, Girona’s trajectory is most positive. To see the glass half full, even if there are many days ahead. Above all, if the current performance is compared with that of the last two years, also in Second. Courses in which the playoff for promotion to the highest category was reached.

After the first 26 league games, the team coached by Michel Sanchez has 41 points. They are already 4 more than she added a year ago, so with Francis Rodriguez on the bench and also passed the first 26 days of that championship.

At that time, Girona had 37 points and was sailing eighth in the standings, outside the promotion positions. Yes, he was in the top six in the 19/20 season, with Pep Lluis Marti steering the ship, and the same matches, but the loot was less back then: 38 points. Three less.


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