Giro, the cyclamen jersey is dedicated to Made in Italy. Cairo: “Icon recognized all over the world”

Through the BE.IT brand, ICE – Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalization of Italian companies – will promote the iconic jersey destined for the leader of the Corsa Rosa points classification throughout the world.

Exporting Made in Italy to the world has always been one of the objectives of the Giro d’Italia through all its symbols. The iconic and historic Maglia Ciclamino will have an exceptional partner this year. Under the aegis of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and through ICE with its BE.IT brand – which has the same objectives as the Corsa Rosa, promoting Italian excellence in the world – Ciclamino will be dedicated to Made in Italy.

Italian excellence

“The Ciclamino jersey, the one that distinguishes the points classification, is one of the excellences of the Giro d’Italia. It is one of the most iconic cycling jerseys, recognized all over the world – the words of Urbano Cairo, president of RCS Mediagroup – . Exporting Made in Italy is one of the objectives of the Corsa Rosa and we could not have had a more effective partner than ICE – which promotes Italian companies abroad – to do it together. The television images – this year produced directly by us and the coverage media coverage in 200 countries on five continents – will be fundamental for the visibility of all our partners as well as of course for a race that promises to be very open and uncertain until the last day “. “We start with a new adventure with ICE that sponsors the cyclamen jersey, headed for each stage to two local excellences, one connected to the arrival and one to the city of departure – added Carlo Ferro, president of ICE – Agency for the promotion of abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies -. This is the second year that the collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also helps to bring the beauty and the well done of the industrial districts of the territory “.

From red to cyclamen

The leader of the points classification has been wearing a distinctive jersey since 1967. In the years 1967, 1968 and 1969 this jersey was red, then it became cyclamen until 2009. From 2010 to 2016 the jersey was still red, so from 2017, on the occasion of the Giro100, cyclamen returned. Paired at the top of the list of most final victories in the points classification, the two great rivals of the 70s-80s: Francesco Moser and Giuseppe Saronni, with four cyclamen jerseys each. Moser and Saronni are the only ones to have won three consecutive points rankings: Moser in the years 1976-1978 and Saronni in the following three (1979-1981). The domination of the two ended with a further victory for Moser in 1982 and Saronni in 1983; The overall classification / points classification was achieved by Gianni Motta (1966), Eddy Merckx (1968 and 1973), Giuseppe Saronni (1979 and 1983), Gianni Bugno (1990), Tony Rominger (1995), Gilberto Simoni (2003) ), Danilo Di Luca (2007), Denis Menchov (2009) and Michele Scarponi (2011). Like the pink and white shirts, the cyclamen shirt is also designed by Castelli with Sitip recycled fabrics.
