Giro d’Italia, who are the three who can win

First, second and third enclosed in less than half a minute, discovering Thomas, Almeida and Roglic: the pink race is their business

First, second and third enclosed in less than half a minute (29 seconds, to be precise) after 16 stages: five to go, of which the last will be the triumphal march in the eternal beauty of Rome, another (tomorrow) is designed to allow a truce in favor of the fast men and the half past three (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) are a crescendo of torture on which those three must measure strength, ambitions, tactics, resistance, experience, resilience, contribution from part of the supporters, in short, all the qualities needed to win a Grand Tour at the end of three weeks. The three are Geraint Thomas, who took back the pink jersey, Joao Almeida, who launched the attack on Bondone, and Primoz Roglic, who overcame a difficult day by limiting the damage. Two of them can easily be defined as experts, the third is so young that he wears the white shirt. But let’s see in detail their strengths and small cracks.
