Giro d’Italia: Hund brings down Evenepoel

First a painful fall because of a dog, then another crash just before the finish line: The cycling world champion Remco Evenepoel, who has been so confident up to now, fell twice hard on the rainy fifth stage of the Giro d’Italia, but apparently reached it without any major injuries Goal.

The two falls did not have any consequences for the overall standings, as the last incident was within the three-kilometer zone, meaning that Evenepoel did not lose any time.

The day’s win after 171 kilometers from Atripalda to Salerno was won by the Australian Kaden Groves in a sprint ahead of the Italian Jonathan Milan and the Danish ex-world champion Mads Pedersen.

But the sprint to the finish line was not accident-free either: Sprint star Mark Cavendish also fell at high speed shortly before the finish line and slid across the finish line in fifth place. The Brit then had to be treated on the street. Co-favorite Primoz Roglic was also held up a good seven kilometers before the finish after several riders fell, but he also reached the finish line without losing any time.

Dog brings down Evenepoel

The day had already started badly for Evenepoel. A dog had crossed the road at the beginning of the stage and tripped several riders, including the Belgian. The 23-year-old sat on the side of the road for a few seconds, but was then able to continue driving. He then showed the television cameras with a thumbs-up that things were going on for him. In the closing stages, Evenepoel was knocked down a second time.

So far everything had gone according to plan for Evenepoel. He had dominated the individual time trial at the start, on the fourth stage he then – as planned – ceded the pink jersey to the breakaway Andreas Lekness. The Norwegian was able to successfully defend his lead on Wednesday. He is 28 seconds ahead of Evenepoel, who could regain the lead when he finishes on the mountain on Friday or at the latest in the second time trial on Sunday. The sixth stage follows on Thursday over 162 kilometers around Naples and should suit the sprinters again.
